My First Web Page

Sun 28 March 2004 by Kevin van Haaren

Way back when the internet was still pretty young (1997) I did my first commerical web page for the wife of a co-worker. I recently found my notes from the project and thought I would look up to see if the pages and the company were still around.

The company is Indigo Wild, yes they still exist, although i’m not sure it’s still owned by the same person. They make natural soaps and such. Click the link above to see their current web site. The one I did for them is available via the wayback machine.

On the ...

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Memories of Childhood

Mon 08 March 2004 by Kevin van Haaren

I used to have what I though were dreams about being this giant kid rampaging through a tiny town. Kind of like one of Calvin’s imaginary rampages through the Calvin & Hobbes strips.

As kids my father always shot slide film instead of print film in his camera. This is a good thing as it’s very difficult to whip out the old slide projector and a screen to show any friends/dates/random relatives any of the embarrassing pictures of his kids.

So one day, we were having a slide show and dad was running through all the slides ...

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Stupid Cat

Sun 29 February 2004 by Kevin van Haaren

just spent an hour searching for my damn cat. apparently he jumped off the deck i let them run around on (a second story deck with no direct path to the ground.) turns out he was huddled under the deck of my neighbor. he let me pull him out and carry him home. He didn’t freak out and start biting me and clawing big holes in my shirt ‘til we got outside the door.

oh well, it’s better exercise than searching for the damn tivo remote.


Words of Wisdom

Fri 13 February 2004 by Kevin van Haaren

Write this on your hand or something ‘cause it’s important. Use a sharpie so it doesn’t fade.

If you’re going to get really hammered in a bar make sure:
1. you only lick things you’re pretty sure you know where they’ve been
2. you lick them before others


A Special Message Just for Tim

Tue 03 February 2004 by Kevin van Haaren

we interrupt this non-regularly scheduled weblog to bring a special message just for Tim.

Thanks for the spelling correction guy!



Found on my desk

Mon 19 January 2004 by Kevin van Haaren

I should probably start a new category “Weird things I’ve found on my desk”. Cleaning off my desk at work (for the new year!) I found a half-used Far Side desk calendar.

No big deal, except it’s from 2002. Apparently it hasn’t been seen since August 15th 2002.


One of my favorite days

Sun 21 December 2003 by Kevin van Haaren

December 21st, the winter solstice, is one of my favorite days. I’m not overly fond of winter so it might seem odd that I like the shortest day of the year. But to me it’s the turning point, we now begin our journey toward spring. Today will be a short day, but tommorrow will be longer and the day after that even longer. Sweet.


New domain name

Tue 16 December 2003 by Kevin van Haaren

Well I got a new domain name, a whole bunch of them actually, but this is my new favorite for the time being.
